[07-10-2024] | curl broke it

A couple mornings ago I logged in to check the nightly web UI test runs. Every test pipeline failed after 20 seconds. Each job's log showed:

2024-07-10 13:56:27 +0000 [ERR] curl: option --cacert: blank argument where content is expected

The tests run using bash version of Tosca Execution Client, available on their GitHub. The script has 4 separate usages of curl, and 2 of them make use of the --cacert flag.

That's a start, but why did this just happen out of nowhere after months of working? The day before I walked our intern through rebuilding the host of the test build agents, but how could a rebuild have caused this?

The tests are kicked off by a containerized self-hosted ADO agents. At build time, the containers

Curl 8.6.0 introduced PR 12620, titled "tool: make parser reject blank arguments if not supported", which introduces the same error text we see - "blank argument where content is expected".

The Tosca Execution Client shell script accepts --caCertificate as an argument, and assigns the value to $caCertificate. curl is fed the $caCertificat value by "curl --cacert "${caCertificate}". So, even if $caCertificate is blank, it still gets passed. As of curl 8.6.0, this is now invalid.

My proposed solution is simple. --caCertificate now sets $caCertificateSwitch, which is equal to "--cacert ${2}", with ${2} being the value of the arg. curl is now fed the arg like "curl $caCertificateSwitch", so if it's blank, nothing gets passed in.
